Thursday, August 13, 2020


I started my quarantine when I still was in Montevideo, Uruguay, in my vacations.

It was already March, so from then to now I have spent five months of retreat, of very minimum contact with other people, mainly my family and going out only to get a little bit of sun, to the pharmacy and the supermarket.

This is my life now. Almost half a year lost in terms of personal communication, of socializing, of being active in my community where I live and in society in general.

I hope that this situation could change before the end of the year.

I do remember talking with friends and sending emails, that on March I said that a vaccine would be ready near the end of September, giving the money allocated to several pharmaceutical laboratories, and the power of competence to be the first.

Against all predictions, Russia is now the first to have a vaccine and is already giving it to its people.

We do not know how extensively that vaccine was tested, for how long, in how many people. That is an information that Russia should be providing to the world.

On the other hand, we have a bunch of well known pharmaceutical companies competing to develop a safe and efficient vaccine, and Astra Zeneca, from Oxford, England, was the first to provide good news about it.

Now probably this vaccine has surpassed with success its third stage of test and probably is almost ready to be given to the people.

Argentina and Mexico have already subscribed contracts with AstraZeneca to develop the vaccine in their own countries, and they announce that will be ready to be given to their citizens in November.

That is great news, compared to when we have been told that probably a vaccine could be ready in the first half of 2021.

But this is understandable because of the urgency to have a vaccine, and the quick propagation of the Coronavirus.

I will keep my quarantine in its strict terms until I am vaccinated.

After all, the sacrifice is worthwhile: I am alive and healthy. 

Milton W. Hourcade

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