Sunday, December 6, 2020

VACCINE: the beginning of the end


Nowadays the word vaccine is synonymous with hope.

Hope that we will start slowly but firmly to return to our normal life.

That society will recover their rhythm, educational and cultural activities.

That restaurants will be once again full of patrons, and that theaters will convene the public that usually filled their halls.

Children and youngsters will be playing their favorite sport and return to classes.

 Lovers will again embrace and kiss each other as if it were the first time, with fervor and enthusiasm.

Couples will re-discover "le joie de vivre" together.

But all humanity won't ever forget the year 2020. The year when millions get the virus, got sick and other millions died.

Certainly, life won't be the same as before.

Humanity was put on the verge of the unbearable, and there was suffering. Not only the physical suffering of those that contracted the virus but that of their families. The uncertainty of a family economy that was exhausted, the lack of work, the fear to be evicted, and many other tragedies.

For millions of people throughout the world, the recovery will be really difficult.

2020 will leave its mark.  In certain sense, humanity won't be the same that in 2019.

But hope is the main message that comes with the massive vaccination.

It will be an effective way to put an end to the pandemic, an end to be living in quarantine, to keep social distance and, to wear the mask.

Yes, I am persuaded that all of us will feel the relief!

Science is leading us to the victory.

Let's give thanks to God for scientists and technicians in the laboratories, for doctors and nurses in hospitals working to the point of exhaustion, for ambulance personal, and the many that worked diligently providing transportation and first aid.

Milton W. Hourcade


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