Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I think this is a very special moment in the history of humanity.

Something is changing throughout the planet. It’s a kind of new wave. A wave of crisis, a wave of discouragement and disbelieve in the traditional ways of living, ethics, and a culture.

This is a cultural involution.  A trend that is leading humanity backwards and not forward, although the people involved in the current situation think that they are the new thing in life, the future that is arriving, a new world and a new society they are building, not realizing that what they are doing is destroying the very basis of the society where they were born, to reach the line of nothing. 

What is ahead is the nothing, is deliberately destruction of what it is or was to substitute it for the nonsense of nothing or with something that is denying what was before, just for the sake of being different, do different, and mark a difference no so much in content, but in the way to make noticeable an agenda.

And the agendas of today are just opposition, permanent opposition to all and everything that has been cherished before for those who gave them life.

This attitude reaches the point of fanaticism, where reason is totally substituted by the “spirit of the group”, or I would better say “of the gang”, paired with nasty vocabulary, acts of shamelessness and brutal violence.

Women are turned into dangerous beings, homosexualism is elevated to the degree of ideal and accompanied with increasing privileges and social promotion to the detriment of the vast majority of the society.

On the other hand, it is noticeable the exponential growing of sects of any kind of style and orientation, where usually an indisputable leader is revered and accepted without the shadow of a criticism or doubt, and people is submitted to what the leader says. 

In some cases this is complemented by the use of drugs to provoke altered states of consciousness, when certain paranormal things could happen.

For me this latest thing and even all the other be they ideological or political sects, end in a common factor: the lack of thought, the lack of the capability to assume responsibility as human beings, the handing over important decisions in the will of a leader or others, the group in itself; the lack of use the brain, the reason and the common sense.

In some people there is a compelling and impressive need to belong to something and to believe. Put aside the old ways to believe, these new ones are totally false and insufficient. They are a travesty of the real motifs to believe. There is an enormous hole filled with inappropriate, false and deleterious material. 

The final line of all this situation is death; the extinction of a civilization, a collective suicide.

Are we still in time to reverse this universal tendency? I am afraid a lot of time has been lost and what remains is very little. It will cost an enormous sacrifice but still we have time to do something. But it is urgent. Otherwise, we are going to be extinguished.

Milton W. Hourcade

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