Sunday, January 6, 2019


The new year has already started.

I don't know about you, but so far I don't have made any resolution for 2019.

I only have hopes. Hope that the book "Aliens, Ships and Hoaxes" will sell well.

Hope to make new friends, to renew relations with friends that for some reason have left our friendship; hope that I would be able to travel to México, maybe Chile, and Europe. 

But just hopes, nothing else. Because a realistic approach to the subject indicates --by experience-- that no matter how many resolutions we can choose and take, life itself will tell us what would be possible and what not.

We have so far no way to know what the near future would be. How much health we are going to have --essential to any plan we can think of. How peaceful could be the places we intend to visit and even how the world economy will evolve.

Therefore, less than resolutions, we can with modesty talk about hopes or intentions.

I already shared with you those that are mine. Which are yours?

Maybe get married, or have a child, change your work, get your promotion or your academic title? Start a new business, discover something, take beautiful pictures, flight in a military fighter jet, go to Mars without return, paint your the best painting of your life, write the best text you could have ever written before?......the possibilities are infinite.

Above all, love, be yourself, affirm your values, enjoy
friendship, search for good moments, and let that what is going to happen besides your will, could happen. Be wise to think and act in every circumstance.

I wish you the best! 

Milton W. Hourcade
Texts protected by copyright

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