Sunday, December 30, 2018


2018 is almost over.
We have had the opportunity to grow or to shrink, to develop our skills or to lose the time doing nonsensical things, talking stupidities, exceptionally thinking, mostly living unconscious of responsibilities, duties, solidarity, friendship and being human.

What happened in 2018?

Has been the year a chance to mature, or still, you were thinking, feeling and doing things as a teenager not being so any longer?

If you just kept the routine doing the same things almost every day, week and month, if you have not changed habits, went to unknown places, dealt with new people, engaged in a project of something you never did before or took an important decision, you have lost miserably your time.

A year is an opportunity to become better as individual and in your relationship with others. A chance to improve dialog instead of being with your head down concentrated in your cellular phone.

Look up around you, discover people, interact with people, talk, smile, show empathy. Be human!

A year is a space open to us in the time dimension to renew ourselves, to remember things that happened, to learn lessons, to tend bridges, and above all, to love.

It doesn’t matter the ways you develop that love, because the most important thing is that you be caring, thinking, and feeling someone as an important part of your life. 

It could be that person that makes you feel crazy, that one that accelerates the beats of your heart, that one with whom you live an intense romance.

It could be a very special friend with whom you share secrets and live things that no one else knows, making true the unique beauty of friendship.

It could be the time you dedicate to help your mother or father who is old and sick, to make them feel comfortable and rest assured that you care about all their needs.

Love, essentially, is giving oneself for the good of someone else.

Now, approaching 2019, you can make a list of possible goals: travel to places you have never been before, renew friendships and make new friends, take pictures, videotapes, paint, write, play an instrument, dance, exercise, eat better, think clearly, be responsible, coherent, truthful, take good decisions, be wise, don’t trust too much in politicians, analyze economy, do your own research, take with a grain of salt what the press says, don’t let any ideology make prey on you. Above all: be yourself.

I wish you a very happy, safe, healthy and productive 2019.

Milton W. Hourcade

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